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The Marina  >  Environment & Protection

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The Marina is committed to an active environmental protection policy, which has resulted in the installation of solar panels, a greening campaign, selective sorting, etc.


We provide users with:

  • Oil collectors on four different sites

  • Garbage shelters


The Marina has acquired an Eco Tank, available to collect waste, pump gray water, provide drinking water, etc.


This service is available. Please contact the Marin service:

By email

By telephone :0590-920-620

Port. : +590-690-351-919


Under our current pricing, the supply of water and energy is not subject to special pricing. We advise users to control their energy and water consumption, to meet the objectives of the ecological transition.


These regulations are designed to make the most of existing works in the Bas-du-Fort Marina Marina.


2.1 Use of the port is reserved for all pleasure vessels (sailing or motorboat not exceeding 150 tonnes and 50 meters in length, within the limits of the spaces reserved for this purpose.


2.2 When a vessel enters the area reserved for the marina, it falls under the jurisdiction of the port and must be anchored or parked as indicated by the officers responsible for policing the port. The approach maneuver must be carried out according to the rules.


2.3 Any pleasure boat moored or parked in the port is liable to pay a fee according to the rate approved by the granting authority. A contract must be signed between the owner and the dealer. Also, the owner of any boat entering the port to moor or park there must upon arrival go to the office at the harbor master's office and receive it to:

  • Present your French certificate or equivalent document and an insurance certificate (RC - FIRE - CYCLONE);

  • Pay the tax payable in advance for the duration of your stay at the port, regularization for the actual tax being made at the end of the declared duration in the event of an extension (see current rate)

2.4 The application of the monthly rate excludes any reimbursement. It is specified in the calculation of taxes that the length to be considered is the overall length except in the case of boat rental companies.


2.5 The Dock Agent reserves the right to inspect all vessels to determine whether they are correctly identified until registration and documentation match.


2.6 Entry and departure declarations are entered in the order of their presentation in a special register where they receive a serial number.

2.7 Any invoice unpaid within 30 days of its issue will automatically be awarded a lump sum compensation for recovery penalties which will be set at 20% of the amounts due. Within a week, non-payment of overdue fees may lead the concessionaire to withdraw the parking authorization granted to the vessel, up to the removal of the vessel within 8 days from the formal notice.

If the owner of the vessel fails to comply within the allotted time, the concessionaire will automatically proceed, at the expense and risk of the owner, to the operations of removing the vessel, to move it to impoundment.


3.1 This is ensured by the port master or the quay agent. Positions are allocated within the limits of available places, following the order of registration provided for in article 2.6. The agents responsible for the port police are, however, the sole judge of the circumstances which may lead to exceptions to this rule.


3.2 The owner or crew of ships calling at a late hour must first consult the table displayed outside the port office, indicating the position of berths available at the end of the day for ships calling. Failing this, any vessel occupying an unallocated berth will automatically be moved in the morning, at the owner's expense and risk. As soon as the office opens, the owner or crew must make the regulatory entry declaration.


4.1 Fairground anchorage (except in cases of absolute necessity arising from immediate danger), the installation of buoys or moorings are strictly prohibited in the port's body of water.


4.2 Mooring is carried out according to the instructions and under the responsibility of the port master. Ship crews must comply with their orders and take the necessary measures to prevent accidents or damage during the maneuvers they carry out.

4.3 Moorings must be in good condition and of appropriate size. In the event of mooring involving the risk of contact with the hull of another boat, the installation of fenders or fenders is mandatory. The fenders must be at least three per side and of a size adapted to the size of the boat. Tires are only permitted if they are in a canvas cover in good condition.


4.4 The owner or crew of a vessel may not refuse to take on or release any hawser or mooring to facilitate the movements of other vessels.


4.5 If necessary, all precautions prescribed by the port police officers must be taken, including doubled moorings.


4.6 The duration of the stay of ships in port is set by the agents responsible for the port police according to the places available. The passing user is required to change station if, for police or operational reasons, the move is ordered by the agents responsible for the port police. He is required to leave the port, on the one hand when safety is not ensured (cyclone, tidal waves) and weather conditions justifying this decision, on the other hand at the first injunction of the agents responsible for the port police , if there is no available space, they have made available a position already assigned but temporarily available.

4.7 Any ship staying in the port must be kept in good condition with regard to buoyancy and safety, if port officials notice that a ship is abandoned or in such a state that it risks being damaged. sink or cause damage to other vessels or surrounding structures, they put the owner on notice to carry out the restoration or evacuation outside the limits of the marina. If the necessary has not been done within the allotted time, the vessel will be left dry in a location chosen by the concessionaire operating the marina (this location will be indicated by letter to the owner) at the expense and risk. of the owner, without prejudice to the major road traffic ticket issued against him. If the ship is guarded, the formal notice is sent to the guard.

4.8 Port users may not, under any circumstances, modify the port works made available to them. They are required to report without delay to the police officers any damage they notice to the works made available to them, whether it is their fault or not. They are responsible for any damage they cause to these works, except in cases of force majeure.

Damage is repaired at the expense of the people who caused it, without prejudice to the consequences given to the major road traffic violation issued against them.


4.9 The port operator and police officers cannot be held responsible for theft, accidents or damage suffered by boats moored or parked in the port due to bad weather, contact with another boat or action of a third party, identified or not. They cannot, likewise, be held responsible for damage resulting from fortuitous events or force majeure.

4.10 Any berth holder must make a declaration of absence to the marina office, whenever he is required to vacate his berth for a period of more than 3 days. This declaration specifies the expected date of return. Failing to have received this declaration, the port captain will consider, at the end of the fourth day of absence, that the post is vacated until further notice and will be able to dispose of it.

4.11 In the case of sale or rental of a vessel with a berth in the port, the seller or lessor must make a declaration to the harbor master's office as soon as the sale or rental is completed. In the event of the sale of a ship, the position concerned cannot under any circumstances be the subject of a transfer of use from the holder to the benefit of the new owner, without formal agreement from the port operator which may be possibly required to assign another position to the ship subject to the transaction.


4.12 It is strictly forbidden to anchor or moor boats in “single file” or even “in pairs”. Only the annex is authorized there as long as it does not create any inconvenience to neighbors and to the movement of ships within the port area.


5.1 Any boat placed in a manner not in accordance with the instructions received and as indicated above, will be invited by the harbor master to move. In the event of the owner's absence, the boat may be automatically moved at the owner's sole expense and without the latter being released from liability in any way.


5.2 The port police officers must be able to request the owner of the ship or the crew at any time.


5.3 Generally speaking, the owner must ensure that his vessel at all times and in all circumstances does not interfere with the operation of the port.


5.4 Unless necessary, any movement or maneuver carried out at the request of the port authorities will be subject to 24 hours' notice given to the owner's address and affixed at the same time to the vessel. If the owner has his ship guarded, the guard is required in place of the owner, the guard is notified under the same conditions as the owner.


6.1 All movements in the port must be carried out in the port at a maximum speed of 3 knots without causing any turbulence and respecting the rules of caution.

6.2 It is prohibited to practice underwater fishing in the water body of the port and in the navigable passes.


7.1 Terminals equipped with power outlets and fresh water taps are installed on docks and floating jetties. Boats moored at the quay can obtain fresh water and electricity there.


7.2 The latter must only be used for lighting and charging batteries to the exclusion of any other device.


7.3 Boats in port as well as ships moored at moorings in the port can only obtain water and electricity from the fuel station reserved for this purpose. The terminal serving these locations has meters allowing you to bill for the supply of water and electricity.


7.4 Water meter closing time from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m.


7.5 Owners of vessels at dock are prohibited from supplying fresh water or electricity to another vessel under penalty of exclusion from the marina.


7.6 All equipment used on the wharf or wharves by the owner of a vessel must be of an appropriate model. Extensions made by the owner to power outlets must be insulated. The connection of water pipes to faucets and the pipes themselves must be tight. The use of devices and


Car traffic is prohibited there. Exceptionally, emergency vehicles can access it but they must use the access points closest to their destination and limit their movement and parking to a minimum.

The tenders must only stay there for the time they are launched; the use of docks and platforms to store equipment or accessories is prohibited.


9.1 It is forbidden to light fires on the quays, wharves and platforms of the port and to have naked lights there.

9.2 Vessels must not have on board any dangerous or explosive materials other than the regulatory fireworks or devices and the fuels necessary for their use.


9.3 In the event of a fire on board a vessel, the owner or crew must immediately notify the port police and fire brigade. Agents can request assistance from the crews of other ships.


9.4 Only minor repairs to vessels are permitted. It is prohibited to carry out work on ships likely to cause nuisance in the neighborhood. In particular, testing of engines and generators, which constitute unbearable nuisances, will be strictly prohibited without written authorization from port officials.


9.5 It is forbidden:

  • To throw earth, rubble, garbage, unsanitary liquids, detergent or any other polluting materials onto port structures (piers, platforms and quays). This also applies to port waters and navigable passes; Any offender will be liable to a fine and the costs incurred for cleaning the site will be billed;

  • To store abandoned equipment on wharves or quays and not to deposit it there, even temporarily. Household waste must be placed in the containers and waste oil poured into the tanks placed for this purpose on the medians;

  • To swim within the port walls as well as in the navigable passes;

  • To carry out maintenance or repair work on docks or floating wharves;

  • To carry out degassing within the port area as well as in the navigable passes.


9.6 Showering and washing are prohibited on quays and wharves. A sanitary room being provided for this purpose, it is recommended that boaters use the toilets on land in order to avoid pollution of the body of water.


10.1 It is strictly forbidden to board neighboring boats in the absence of the owners unless authorized by them to be notified to the harbor master's office. If the owner of a boat wishes to have equipment removed from it by a third party, he or she must notify the harbor master beforehand.


10.2 Radios, televisions, etc. must be used at a power level that cannot disturb other boaters.


10.3 Disorder or misconduct by an owner or his friends, or a member of the crew of a vessel moored or parked in the port which may injure someone or harm the reputation of the Marina of Bas-du-Fort will be a cause of termination of the location contract.


10.4 Children under the age of 12 are not allowed on quays, wharves and platforms without the presence of their parents.


Animals are welcome provided they are on a leash and trained to do their business off the pontoons. Owners are asked to take care of this, as well as to avoid going through garbage bins. In case the size and character of domestic animals disturb the peace or cause any damage inside the port, they must be moved by their owners.


12.1 If a ship has sunk in port or in a navigable channel, the owner is required to have it removed or cut up as quickly as possible. The owner must make all necessary arrangements with the competent administrations (Maritime Affairs). If the ship is guarded, the obligation falls on the guard in the absence of the owner.


12.2 The private occupation of land areas, not leased by contract, is prohibited without written authorization from the personnel responsible for the port police who define the conditions of this occupation.


12.3 For any boater benefiting from a pitch contract at the Bas-du-Fort Marina, the port captain has at his disposal a message center which can be consulted according to schedules.


13.1 Contraventions of these regulations and all other offenses or contraventions concerning the marina police are noted by a report drawn up by the officers or supervisors of the port, the police commissioners and other agents authorized to issue fines.


13.2 Each report is transmitted, depending on the nature of the offense or contravention noted, to the official responsible for continuing the suppression of the offense.


13.3 In the event of an infringement of the requirements of these regulations, the port officer or supervisor draws up a report and immediately takes all necessary measures to put an end to the infringement. He has the power to automatically remove and impound, after formal notice, vessels in violation at the expense and risk of the owners.

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